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IHC Committees

  • Annual Meeting/Silent Auction – Plans, organizes, promotes, and arranges speakers; Plans, organizes, promotes, collects and arranges silent auctions for IHC;
    Peggy Auwerda-Miller

  • Website – Updates, manages content for Iowa Horse Council website;
    Danielle Kunze 515-491-4021

  • Nominations – Recruits and nominates individuals for board members and/or officers; 
    Kim Houlding 515-494-1002

  • Membership – Implements membership drive and new member information and orientation; disseminates periodic and timely information to the public regarding programs and activities of IHC;
    Lori Stephenson 515-290-3506

  • By-Laws –  Forms a committee when IHC by-laws require review;
    David Beary, 515-290-5938

  • Awards & Scholarships – Promotes, markets, and selects the IHC scholarships and awards for the Hall Fame, Horseman and/or Horsewoman of the Year, Meritorious Award, Council Appreciation Certificate, and Recognition of Achievement Certificate;
    Rebecca Howe, 515-689-2733

  • Grants & Sponsorships – Promotes, markets, and selects recipients for grants and/or sponsorships offered by the Iowa Horse Council;
    Phil Duey 515-360-5693

  • Publications – Produces the newsletter The Iowa Horse – 
    Danielle Kunze
    , 515-491- 4021 
    Lori Stephenson 515-290-3506
    Dorrine Norby - Editor - 712-944-5681

  • Marketing – Interacts with associate organizations, media, governmental agencies, and others to increase visibility for the IHC and awareness of the Iowa equine industry; oversees the IHC booths at trade shows and state fairs; IHC Booths; 
    Kathy Huffman 515-240-7197

  • Equine Health & Welfare – Informs the horse industry of disease problems through continuing education formats; maintains media contact to alert and inform horse owners about special issues & special events;  
    Kim Houlding, 515-795-2261

  • Horse Fair – Assists with coordination of this annual event, which provides a major educational venue for the horse industry;
    Chris Austin,  515-708-1817

  • Trails, Land Use, & Zoning – Promotes trails and trail development within the State of Iowa; represents the council on land use and land planning efforts; works with DNR and various other groups;
    Brenda Irlbeck,  515-326-0607

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