IHC Sponsorship Recipients

Iowa Draft Horse & Mule Association-$500, to provide sponsorship funding for the Iowa Classic Draft Horse Show.
Quad City All Breed Horse Assoc.-$500, to be used for expenses associated with their Open and Youth Shows.
New Virginia Saddle Club-$500, to be used for expenses associated with shows in May, June, July and Sept.
Quad City Saddle Club-$400, to be used to offset show expenses.
Escaramuza Quetzalli-$500, to be used to offset training and travel expenses.
Iowa State Equestrian Club/Hunt Club-$500, to be used to offset expenses for the Iowa State Fall Classic Show.
Heartland Buckskin Horse Association-$250, to be used to offset expenses for the upcoming summer show season.
Iowa Associated Saddle Club-$250, to be used to offset expenses for summer shows.
Escaramuza Zacatercanas-$250, to be used for expenses incurred for costumes and travel expenses to attend various regional competitions.
Audubon County Fair Board-$300, sponsorship for events at county fair rodeo.
Draft Horse Academy-$250. to be used to sponsor class at the Iowa Classic Draft Horse Show.
Iowa 4-H Foundation-$175,
Escaramuza Charra Quetzalli-$250, to be used to cover training and travel expenses.
Heartland Buckskin Horse Association-$500, to be used to offset expenses for summer show season.
New Virginia Saddle Club, $500, to be used to offset expenses for summer show season.
Gilman Saddle Club-$500, to be used for expenses for summer show season.
Iowa 4-H Foundation-$100, to be used to sponsor a class at the State Fair 4-H Horse Show
New Virginia Saddle Club-$50, to be used to sponsor a class at their summer shows.
Floyd County Riders-$300, to be used to offset expenses for summer shows.
Quad City Saddle Club-$350, to be used to offset expenses for their summer shows.
Gilman Saddle Club-$250, to help defray costs of awards at 4-H/FFA pre-fair show.
Iowa Associated Saddle Clubs-$250, to help defray costs to provide awards for a two-day horse show.
Fort Bloomfield Family Rodeo-$250, to help offset expenses of multiple horse during summer.
Quad County Saddle Club-$250, to help offset expenses of multiple horse shows.
Iowa State Fair 4-Horse Show-$175, to be used to sponsor a class at the 4-H State Fair show.
Iowa State University-$500, to help offset the expenses of presenting the Women Managing Horses program in Wright County.
Aspire TPR, Inc-$500, to help cover the costs of providing Camp Hope program for disabled children.
Quad County Horse Council-$250, to cover general horse show expenses.
Gilman Saddle Club-$250, to help pay for awards for horse show participants.
Murray Saddle Club-$250, to help cover horse show expenses.
Iowa Assoc. Saddle Clubs – $250 – to go for awards at their open shows
Clarke County Youth Rodeo – $500 – to offset costs of arena rental, awards and various other rodeo expenses
Fort Bloomfield Family Rodeo – $500 – for year-end prizes
Grinnell Saddle Club – $500 – for gift bags that are given to each competitor at the 4-H Pre-Fair Horse Show
Adair 4H & FFA Horse Clinic – $300 – to cover expenses for a horse clinic
ISU Block & Bridle – $400 – for general fund to cover show expenses
New Virginia Saddle Club – $500 – to help defer expenses from their show
Eastern Iowa Carriage Glow – $500 – to help with show expenses
Wildwood HillsRanch – $500 – for summer camp for underprivileged children
Iowa State University Block & Bridle Show – $200 – show sponsorship
Iowa State Fair Horse Show 4-H Class – $175 – for Champion class
Friends of Elk Rock – $500 – for wheelbarrows, muck forks, other equipment
Iowa National Barrel Racing – District 4 – $400 – show expenses
Floyd County Riders 4 – H Club – $300 – gifts for show participants
Forest Avenue Outreach – $500 – youth horse club for under-privileged children at Menagerie Stables
Select Charity Horse Show – $500 – for show expenses
Grinnell Saddle Club – $500 – for show expenses and awards
Clarke County Youth Rodeo – $500 – for help in costs associated with three shows, arena rental, awards
Heartland Buckskin Horse Assoc. – $500 – youth incentive
Eastern Iowa Carriage Glow – $500 – show expenses
Fort Bloomfield Family Rodeo – $500 – rodeo expenses
Ride For Life – $250 – event expenses
FFA Horse Judging Contest / Judging Certification – $300
4 – H Youth Equine Extravaganza – $500
2015 Block & Bridle Horse Show – $200
Madison County 4 – H Horse Judging Senior Team – $500
Floyd County Riders 4 – H Club – $250
Clark County Youth Rodeo – $500
Iowa State Fair 4 – H Show – $150
The Iowa Associated Saddle Clubs – $250
Iowa NBHA District 4 – $250
Decatur County Fair & FFA Horse Show – $500
Eastern Iowa Carriage Glow – $250
Mahaska County 4-H Horse Helpers – to assist with awards for 4-H and FFA equine exhibitors at the county fair – $100 sponsorship.
World Changers 4-H Club – to assist with the 4-H National Hippology Contests in Columbus, Ohio and Denver, Colorado – $500 sponsorship.
Red Rock Riders – $150.00
“Thank you horse council. We are very grateful for your continued support to our team and the enthusiasm you have shown to help bring the sport of equestrian drill team riding out to the public. We are excited and honored to be part of the 2009 Iowa Horse Fair!” ~The Red Rock Riders